Four people. 2,000 years. The feeling of being hunted. A horn sounds in the clearing, a factory explosion, a rush of blood. Can you truly escape the destiny set out for you?
The Stage
"The play is an entertaining and often powerful evening which thoroughly defies expectations."
Plays International
"Complex and stunning drama."
Reviews Gate
"Ambitiously thought-provoking."
The Reviews Gate
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Tachwedd Script
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Four people. 2,000 years. The feeling of being hunted. A horn sounds in the clearing, a factory explosion, a rush of blood. Can you truly escape the destiny set out for you? From selling out, to leaving home, to returning to a place of regret, Tachwedd charts a family’s journey as they try to reconcile the inescapability of the past with the weight of the future. |
$24.95 |